Lights Camera Action


Shot Types

  • Establishing shot
  • Masters Shot
  • Wide shot
  • Full shot/Long shot 
  • Medium full shot/Medium long shot
  • Medium shot/ mid shot
  • Medium close up 
  • Close up
  • Extreme close up
  • Single - 1 character alone, primary focus, clean single is when no other character has any presence, dirty single holds presence from parts of another character
  • Two shot - 2 characters visible in frame with clearly visible faces, about the relationship between the 2 characters
  • Three shot - 3 people
  • Four Shot - 4 people
  • Crowd shot - Mass of people
  • Over the shoulder shot - Perspectives from both sides
  • POV shot
  • Insert shot - close u on framing of information or an object like a book or drink or an item of importance
Camera angle
  • Low angle
  • High angle
  • Overhead 
  • Dutch angle/tilt
  • Eye Level
  • Shoulder level 
  • Hip level
  • Knee level
  • Ground level
Camera movement
  • Static - no camera movement 
  • Pan - horizontal rotation at fixed location
  • Whip pan - Fast pan
  • Tilt - vertical movement 
  • Push in - Moving character towards subject 
  • Pull out 
  • Zoom
  • Crash zoom
  • Dolly Zoom - utilises vertigo effect  by having a dolly move the opposite way of the zoom 
  • Camera roll 
  • Tracking
  • Trucking - tracks via left to right or right to left
  • Arc - orbits around subject 


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