Media Language
- Barthes
- Semiology, study of signs
- Meaning created through connotations and denotations, creation of myths
- Todorov
- Narrative, equilibrium, disruption, recognition, attempt to solve, new equilibrium
- Neale
- genre hybridization, combination of tropes from genres
- repetition of codes/conventions
- intertextual relay
- Levi Strauss
- binary opposition, structuralism
- ideology is shaped on binary opposition and structure, in pairs
- e.g. day/night good/bad
- Baudrillard
- Postmodernism, hyperreality, simulation and simulacra
- individuals construct identity in a culture of simulation
- more real than the real, e.g Disneyland
- Hall
- representation created through both what is present and absent
- fix meanings in a preferred way, audiences can attest these
- Gauntlet
- contradictory messages about identity
- allow expression and explore identities
- media representations offer range of diverse and contradictory messages
- Bell Hooks
- feminism challenges patriarchy
- class, gender, age
- Van Zoonen
- Women objectified in media representations
- emphasizes importance of gender as a social and cultural construct
- expressed diversely
- Butler
- Response to gender roles
- repetition and ritual
- Gilroy
- Transatlantic, post colonialism
- failed to mourn the loss of an empire
- criminalization of immigrants
- Bandura
- media influence people directly, human values,
- directly or indirectly through related platforms such as social media
- Gerbner
- Cultivation , mean world syndrome
- repetition of negativity
- Hall
- Encoding/decoding
- Dominant
- Negotiated
- Oppositional reading
- Jenkins
- Shirky
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