
Showing posts from September, 2023

Lights Camera Action

 29-9-23 Shot Types Establishing shot Masters Shot Wide shot Full shot/Long shot  Medium full shot/Medium long shot Medium shot/ mid shot Medium close up  Close up Extreme close up Framing  Single - 1 character alone, primary focus, clean single is when no other character has any presence, dirty single holds presence from parts of another character Two shot - 2 characters visible in frame with clearly visible faces, about the relationship between the 2 characters Three shot - 3 people Four Shot - 4 people Crowd shot - Mass of people Over the shoulder shot - Perspectives from both sides POV shot Insert shot - close u on framing of information or an object like a book or drink or an item of importance Camera angle Low angle High angle Overhead  Dutch angle/tilt Eye Level Shoulder level  Hip level Knee level Ground level Camera movement Static - no camera movement  Pan - horizontal rotation at fixed location Whip pan - Fast pan Tilt - vertical movement  Push in - Moving character towards

Skills development

 8-9-23 L/O: To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief Genre inspiration - Synthwave, techno, hyperpop, vapurwave Album covers Colours Sunset colours, red, dark pink, purple, orange Gradients of orange to red black white Colours glow Style Short haired drawn character, vibrant colurs, appearance enhanced with clothing items e.g sunglasses Sunsets and sun themes are common Character is central piece  Backgrounds are detailed but do not subtract from main image Text Outlined and glows Titles feel lonely Single title usually on the bottom crossing over the main image Fronts are joined and curved  Tour promo poster Posters similar to album cover, not much variation except for text.  Font is small and way from image Landscape Text is on a separate BG  Website Blue/pink colours Retro text Plain BG of synth style of outlined shapes. Metallic font Social media post Simple text with promo to the upcoming release.  Links to streaming sites e.g youtube, Spotify, Apple music I