
PPE Feedback

Paper 1 Q1  define and break down the theory  feminism, intersectionality, oppositional gaze (Bell Hooks) apply theory to Source, breakdown cover and apply apply to second source, either positively or negatively  Repeat Brief conclusion  Q2 Explain Analyse Judgement Q3 Ownership mention and the fact that the Guardian and the Daily Mail require an income for sustainability   Donations/advertisement  Q4 Examples of theory in the news Key points of theory applied and evaluated     Q5 focus on macros   genre conventions and ideologies Q6 Further depth on constructed representations


Media Language Barthes Semiology, study of signs Meaning created through connotations and denotations, creation of myths Todorov Narrative, equilibrium, disruption, recognition, attempt to solve, new equilibrium Neale genre hybridization, combination of tropes from genres repetition of codes/conventions  intertextual relay  Levi Strauss binary opposition, structuralism ideology is shaped on binary opposition and structure, in pairs e.g. day/night good/bad  Baudrillard  Postmodernism, hyperreality, simulation and simulacra individuals construct identity in a culture of simulation more real than the real, e.g Disneyland  Representation Hall representation created through both what is present and absent fix meanings in a preferred way, audiences can attest these  Gauntlet contradictory messages about identity  allow expression and explore identities  media representations offer range of diverse and contradictory messages  Bell Hooks feminism cha...

Media Theory

Media Language Neale - Genre  Repletion and hybridity of genres  audience expects twisting and enigmatic narrative that utilize tropes from genres  Genres are not fixed but constantly evolve KE uses a hybrid of spy and thriller mystery whilst LP uses mystery and crime thriller elements  LFTVD has access to star vehicles which lowers reliance on genres Todorov - Narratology  different stages of narrative once identified allow revelation of the values and ideologies that are intended to be spread  narratives follow the pattern of equilibrium - disruption - recognition - solving - new equilibrium  movement from equilibrium to new equilibrium provides a change struggles in explaining LFTVD with serial narratives, analysis of a single episode often only follows a few stages such as equilibrium to the disruption or equilibrium to the attempt to solve due to the continuous nature of  a series over  a film or book  characterization over along pe...

Midterm feedback

5-Maintain a focus on the question rather than diverting to only talking about set text 6-mention of context and ethos about the Big Issue within the confines of the question

Shoot Out -5-10-23-

 L/O: create an effective scene using basic filming rules

5-10-23 HW

Film - Drive Shot 1 Back and forth over the shoulder shots between characters, creates two separate perspectives throughout their conversation with a low angle used on Driver and a higher angle used on the girl to somewhat show the power dynamic between the 2.  Shot 2 Two shot with over the shoulder elements, from Gosling's perspective somewhat as it is behind him, The shot is wide and helps create distance between the emotions of the characters without using words, showing off the lack of dialogue in place of meaning from the distance in characters and their placement on screen. The static camera also helps build this emotion.    Shot 3 Wide shot establishing a new character. Static camera. Sits at around hip level with the whole upper body in frame, leaving the elevator behind in clear view. Creates meaning through the establishment of a new character who may or may not be an antagonistic force, introducing a third person...

Lights Camera Action

 29-9-23 Shot Types Establishing shot Masters Shot Wide shot Full shot/Long shot  Medium full shot/Medium long shot Medium shot/ mid shot Medium close up  Close up Extreme close up Framing  Single - 1 character alone, primary focus, clean single is when no other character has any presence, dirty single holds presence from parts of another character Two shot - 2 characters visible in frame with clearly visible faces, about the relationship between the 2 characters Three shot - 3 people Four Shot - 4 people Crowd shot - Mass of people Over the shoulder shot - Perspectives from both sides POV shot Insert shot - close u on framing of information or an object like a book or drink or an item of importance Camera angle Low angle High angle Overhead  Dutch angle/tilt Eye Level Shoulder level  Hip level Knee level Ground level Camera movement Static - no camera movement  Pan - horizontal rotation at fixed location Whip pan - Fast pan Tilt - vertical movement...